⊙ AntiQuark

Truth, Beauty, Charm, Strange


AntiQuark photoblog

I think I'll take a swing at photoblogging. Now that it's summer, I'll be spending less time surfing for good links to blog, and more time outdoors, playing with my kids and experiencing the real world.

Plus, photography is one of those hobbies that can make you look very creative, without requiring much thought or effort. Bonus!

Here's the link to AntiQuark::Photography. I'll try to update once a day or so. It's based on the free pixelpost software, but I also added a "zoomout" button for people with lower monitor resolutions.

If you have a subscription service like Bloglines, you can subscribe to the RSS or ATOM feeds, so you don't have to keep checking the page manually.

Mad props to Andrew who showed me the light with his photoblog, PhotonicEye.

Photoblog Awards
If you're not familiar with the phenomenon of photoblogging, check out the Photobloggies to see some people who really know how to take pitchers.


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