Forbidden Flavours
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1 Comments Forbidden Flavours - 2007-02-10 18:24:21

Coffee shop near my house.

The little sign says "NOT A PUBLIC WALKWAY - USE AT OWN RISK."

I didn't really understand the point when I first noticed it in the summer, because there's a nice lawn there -- what's the problem with walking on it?

In the winter however, the great snowpile creates a crevasse along the wall that's on the verge of a mini-avalanche. Now it all makes sense.

Info: 1/60sec, f1.4, Fuji Superia Xtra 800, handheld, exp.comp 0, Yashica FX-3 Super 2000, Zeiss Planar 1.4/50 T*. Sharpened.



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