Freaky Night Substation
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0 Comments Freaky Night Substation - 2006-12-09 12:35:56

This is the weirdest picture I've taken so far. That's how it came out of the camera, no postprocessing was done (except contrast).

The lighting is unusual in this. It was taken late at night, but the clouds in the distance seem luminous. I think that's all the lighting at the airport reflecting off the clouds. There are also some streetlights to the right of the image about 50 yards away.

The shallow depth of field at f1.4 gives that "miniature" look, because the fence is in focus but the structure in the rear isn't.

Info: 1/8sec, f1.4, 800 ISO generic film, handheld, Yashica FX-3 Super 2000, Zeiss Planar 1.4/50 T*.



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