The Dark Side of Fast Lenses
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0 Comments The Dark Side of Fast Lenses - 2006-12-01 16:09:34

I've been taking lots of pics of my kids to practise manual focusing. I've discovered that at wide aperture (f/1.4) it's either damn hard, or it's next to impossible, to get a good sharp shot.

At 1 meter, the depth of field for an aperture of f1.4 is a measly 3 cm. So basically, if you're focusing on a moving target, like a fidgeting kid, or if you're trying to focus quickly, it's highly unlikely that you'll get the subject matter in focus. Even at 2 meters the DoF is only 13 cm, still very narrow.

The farther distances the DoF increases, so f/1.4 isn't bad for landscape shots, especially if the target can be considered to be at "infinity," like a skyline. Then focusing is easy, you just turn the lens until it hits the infinity end.

But for indoor shots of people in low light, you really have to take the time to focus, plus you need cooperative subjects who are willing to sit still for more than a few seconds at a time.



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